Safety Day Is In Alberta!
Safety Day is an 8-hour safety conference developed by the Ammonia Safety & Training Institute (ASTI), and is held all over the country as a result of donations from sponsors. ASTI is an internationally recognized leader in developing emergency response protocols and training for ammonia emergencies. You’ll receive a certificate of completion.
This conference is perfect for Public Safety and Industrial first responders, regulators, facilities leaders and owners concerned with ammonia safety.
Some Topics and Exercises That Will Be Present:
- Physiological effects of ammonia on the body
- Chemical and physical properties of ammonia
- The future of green and blue ammonia
- Integrating Industrial response with public safety command
- Understand hazards, mitigate risks, and prepare for threats
- Lessons learned from accidents and emergency events
Speaker Spotlight: Vincent “Scott” Silva Bio
I was born in April of 1961 in a small coastal town of Santa Cruz, California. I was married in 1988 and we had 2 children: Christopher and Laura. I lost my wife due to Breast Cancer in March of 2012. After High School in 1979, I went off to a Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration (HVACR) trade school in Phoenix, Arizona. Upon returning to my hometown, I resumed my job performing Plumbing, Heating, A/C and commercial refrigeration. In 1985, I joined the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union where I spent the next 5 years in an apprenticeship course and graduated 1993 to become an Instructor of the Pipefitters trade in 1993. I graduated from the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Instructors training program in 1998.